Georgia ADR Organizations & Service Providers

Here for your benefit are links to the preeminent ADR organizations, government agencies and companies involved in mediation within the state of Georgia.
The Academy has worked cooperatively with departments such as the Georgia Supreme Court Dispute Resolution Commission to ensure that only suitably certified and qualified individuals are included in our member roster.

Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution
The Georgia Commission on Dispute Resolution is the policy-making body appointed by the Georgia Supreme Court to oversee the development of court-connected ADR programs in Georgia. The Commission, composed of judges, lawyers and non-lawyer members, meets on a regular basis to consider issues important to the development of court-connected ADR in Georgia.
The Commission, working through its staff at the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution, has created a statewide plan for ADR in Georgia. This plan enables any superior, state, probate, magistrate or juvenile court in Georgia to offer litigants alternatives to trial under provisions set forth in the Georgia Supreme Court Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules and the filing fee surcharge legislation which supports the administration of local ADR programs.
Please visit the Georgia Office of Dispute Resolution website at

Henning Mediation & Arbitration Service
Henning Mediation & Arbitration Service (HMA) has established itself as the state's premier mediation and arbitration services firm and handles a wide variety of cases ranging from a simple premises liability complaint to complex, multi party disputes. Their neutrals are attorneys and retired judges that specialize in all diverse areas of law. HMA also offers training services, and has certified many hundreds of attorneys throughout the South East. For more, please visit

South Georgia ADR Service LLC
South Georgia ADR Service, LLC specializes in providing mediation and arbitration of personal injury, wrongful death, commercial and other complex litigation cases. Our company offers a panel of distinguished and experienced middle and south Georgia trial lawyers, serving as independent contractors, from which to select a neutral. For more info, please visit

Miles Mediation & Arbitration Service, LLC
Miles Mediation & Arbitration is a company committed to excellence and the old fashioned principles of respect, courtesy, and purpose. Neutrals are trained, experienced mediators who remain neutral throughout the process of moving parties through impasse points to arrive at mutually-agreeable solutions to difficult problems. Five of the firm's panelists have been recognized by the Academy for their excellence in the field of ADR. For more information, please visit

Bay Mediation & Arbitration Services, LLC
BAY was founded in 2002 by senior members of the AV-rated law firm Barrickman, Allred & Young, LLC. BAY Mediation & Arbitration Services provides high-quality mediation, arbitration and neutral case evaluation services at reasonable rates. 8 of the firm's premier attorneys have been recognized by the Academy for their excellent in the ADR field. BAY has a total of 18 highly-trained neutrals and the same number of conference rooms, conveniently located in Atlanta, GA - though panelists travel throughout the state. For more information, please visit

The Resolution Experts
JAMS mediators and arbitrators are Resolution Experts who resolve some of the nation's largest, most complex and contentious disputes. JAMS neutrals are skilled in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes including discovery referee, private judging, in addition to arbitration and mediation. For more information on JAMS Atlanta office, please visit